Research infrastructures for Open Science
La sessione è organizzata da Alessia Bardi, CNR-ISTI, nel corso della Genova Open Access Week.
Le infrastrutture di ricerca sono essenziali per il progresso scientifico e tecnologico, fornendo le risorse necessarie per la collaborazione tra ricercatori, la raccolta, l'analisi e la condivisione dei dati. Esploreremo come queste infrastrutture supportano le pratiche di Open Science, promuovendo trasparenza e riproducibilità. Verranno presentate infrastrutture nazionali italiane e internazionali, con un focus sulle esperienze nella regione Liguria.
This session is organised by Alessia Bardi, CNR-ISTI, during the Genova Open Access Week.
Research infrastructures are essential for scientific and technological progress, providing the necessary resources for collaboration among researchers, data collection, analysis, and sharing. We will explore how these infrastructures support Open Science practices, promoting transparency and reproducibility. Italian and international infrastructures will be presented, with a focus on experiences in the Liguria region.
Open Access Week de l'Institut Polytechnique de Paris
L’Institut Polytechnique de Paris organise sa première édition de l’Open Access Week. À cette occasion, les services de documentation des écoles membres proposent du 5 au 8 novembre 2024 une série d’animations autour des questions de science ouverte.
L’Open Access Week est un événement international visant à sensibiliser les communautés scientifiques et étudiantes aux enjeux et pratiques de science ouverte, dont l’objectif premier est de diffuser librement les résultats de la recherche scientifique sous ses différentes formes (publications, données, logiciels).
Chaque jour, venez participer aux Kaw’ateliers sur les thématiques suivantes :
- « Tout savoir sur les accords d’accès ouvert négociés avec les éditeurs » de 9h30 à 10h ;
- « Explorer l’univers des jeux de données en accès ouvert » de 11h à 11h30 ;
partager un café et échanger sur nos stands de 12h à 13h30 ; ou encore écouter des retours d’expérience de scientifiques en visioconférence de 13h30 à 14h.
Retrouvez-nous sur les différents sites de l’Institut Polytechnique de Paris :
- le mardi 5 novembre à Télécom SudParis ;
- le mercredi 6 novembre à l’École polytechnique ;
- le jeudi 7 novembre à Télécom Paris et à l’École nationale des ponts et chaussées.
Et en ligne pour écouter et échanger avec :
- Stéphanie Chaillat (POEMS) à propos d'épisciences et des modèles d'édition Diamant ;
- Martin Genet (MEDICIM) autour de la question de la reproductibilité et l'usage de Jupyter Notebook ;
- Joni Frederick (LadHyX) sur la gestion des données en sciences de la santé dans le cadre de E4H.
GenOA Week 2024
La GenOA week 2024 è organizzata da Università di Genova, IIT (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia), INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) e AIB Liguria (Associazione Italiana Biblioteche - Sezione Liguria), con il patrocinio dell’Associazione italiana biblioteche
Lungo l'arco della settimana tutte le Comunità coinvolte presenteranno le attività messe in campo a favore dell'Open Science e si confronteranno sugli scenari futuri e le azioni da intraprendere.
GenOA week 2024 is organized by the University of Genoa, IIT (Italian Institute of Technology), INFN (National Institute of Nuclear Physics), CNR (National Research Council) and AIB Liguria (Italian Library Association - Liguria Section), with the patronage of the Italian Library Association
During the week, all the Communities involved will present the activities implemented in favor of Open Science and will discuss future scenarios and actions to be undertaken.
Annual MBLWHOI Library OA Week Open Discussion (Nov 1)
Informal Open Access discussion - During these discussions, we encourage you to share your insights, questions, and experiences. Whether you're a seasoned researcher or just curious about the topic, your voice matters!
Annual MBLWHOI Library OA Week Open Discussion (Oct 31)
Informal Open Access discussion - During these discussions, we encourage you to share your insights, questions, and experiences. Whether you're a seasoned researcher or just curious about the topic, your voice matters!
How Do You Picture It? A Presentation and Discussion on Alt-texts and Art Books
Alt-texts are important features of accessible ebooks. They describe imagery that appears in electronic texts to better include readers with visual impairments. While there are numerous accessibility guides that suggest best practices, some images are more difficult to describe than others and examples of visual art can be especially challenging. While bias-free language is important to describe images, how does visual art pose issues in communicating a material type, a mood, or an atmosphere?
Please join Concordia University Press and Mehrnoosh Alborzi for a conversation and an example-driven presentation on writing alt-text descriptions for visually illustrated books. Presenting findings from her Elspeth McConnell Fine Arts Award–funded research project, Alborzi will share information with attendees about when best practices guides are lacking, what kinds of images are especially difficult, and how to communicate nuances without imparting too much bias or interpretation.
Following Alborzi’s presentation, attendees with experience in alt-texts are encouraged to bring examples of their own work for a collaborative discussion and sharing session, as well as time for questions.
Community over Commercialization: Buttons and Conversations (4TH Space/Online)
Join us in celebrating “Community over Commercialization: Buttons and Conversations (4TH Space/Online).”
The first 15 to 30 minutes of introductions and updates from Concordia University’s leaders of open initiatives will be available in a hybrid format. The rest of the event will be available in person only.
Stop by for informal conversations, networking, and hands-on button-making, all while enjoying a cup of coffee! This info session and button making workshop is an opportunity for students, professors, librarians, staff, and anyone curious about open-access publishing, open data, open-source software, and open education to learn more about Concordia’s open landscape!
Jornada Acceso abierto 2024: “La comunidad frente a la comercialización”
Invitamos a ustedes a participar y difundir la jornada Jornada Acceso abierto 2024: “La comunidad frente a la comercialización” que se realizará el lunes 28 de octubre desde las 9:30 hs. hasta las 13 hs en la Biblioteca Pública de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Su modalidad será híbrida.
El evento organizado por la Secretaría de Ciencia y Técnica de la UNLP, la Biblioteca Pública y Wikipedistas de la UNLP en el marco de la semana internacional de acceso abierto, abordará la problemática del acceso a las publicaciones y otras producciones, la propiedad y la comercialización del conocimiento, como así también la apertura de las prácticas científicas para alcanzar una ciencia cada vez más abierta en nuestra región.
La jornada que será de mediodía tendrá dos bloques. El primero será un conversatorio: ¿Cómo resistimos/transformamos la comercialización de la ciencia? en que se abrirá un debate en relación a la ciencia y su evaluación, el conocimiento, su propiedad y comercialización. El segundo que lo constituirá un panel titulado “Hacia prácticas científicas más abiertas y soberanas” en el que se compartirán experiencias de apertura por parte de investigadores y gestores.
Participarán como expositores Judith Naidorf (FOLEC-CLACSO), Santiago Liaudat (UNLP), Patricio Lorente (UNLP), Gonzalo Villarreal (SEDICI-UNLP), Analía Pintos (SEDICI-UNLP), Silvia Peloche (SEDICI)-UNLP), Diego Torres (LIFIA-Cientópolis-UNLP), Julián Cueto (Wikimedistas de la UNLP), Victoria Scotto (FAHCE-UNLP) , Gustavo Archuby (FAHCE-UNLP).
Beyond OER: Open Education practices and equity for all
This session explores the concept of open practice and its influence on equity in education for students and the community. Open practice is a multifaceted concept, connecting and uniting academics, students and the community in a more equitable and socially just model for education. Collaborating and co-designing through open practice enriches educational experiences by embedding diverse representations, authentic stories, lived experiences and renewable assessment.
This session will celebrate the launch of Communication Concepts, a recently published Open Education Resource (OER) developed in collaboration with students as an example of open education in practice.
All are welcome to attend. This session will be held in person and also streamed via Zoom webinar. Please indicate when booking whether you wish to attend in person or virtually. Those attending in-person are invited to stay after the session for refreshments and networking.
Preparing for Sharing: The Future of Research Under the Nelson Memo
To celebrate Open Access Week, the Penn Libraries hosts a hybrid panel discussion on the future of research under the Nelson Memo, which requires federal agencies with research funding to make all research materials publicly available without an embargo or cost.
Finding That Needle in the Haystack: Building Community Legacies through Genealogy, Archives, and Open Sources
In celebration of Open Access Week, the university archivist (James R. Stewart) will lead a workshop. This engaging session will highlight how to leverage Open Educational Resources (OER) to enhance genealogical research and navigate archival materials effectively. By emphasizing the importance of community engagement and open access to information, this workshop also highlights how knowledge sharing can strengthen community ties and promote collective learning.
Introduce participants to essential genealogy research methodologies and best practices.
Explain the significance of OER in supporting individual genealogy projects.
Demonstrate how to locate and utilize OER resources relevant to family history research.
Foster a supportive environment for participants to share their research experiences and findings.
Open Science Talk at BCAM | International Open Access Week
The International Open Access Week will be celebrated from October 21-27, 2024. At BCAM, within the workshop 1st IN-DEEP Week, we will do so.
We encourage you to join us on October 24th, for the Open Science Talk, given by Miguel Benítez (Project Manager, BCAM). The talk will be at the Maryam Mirzakahni Seminar room and online at 16:45h-17:30h.
In this session, the following points will be addressed:
Open Science: A General Context
Editorials vs repositories
We would like to share with you the Paywall – The Business of Scholarship documentary. This video focuses on the need for Open Access to research and science.
The film questions the rationale behind the $25.2 billion a year that flows into for-profit academic publishers and examines the 35-40% profit margin associated with the top academic publisher.
Panel Discussion: Open Access in Switzerland: Are we reaching the GOALs
Panel Discussion: Open Access in Switzerland: Are we reaching the GOALs
Alain Cortat (Founder and director, Éditions Alphil)
Barbara Preisig (Art historian and art critic, ZHdK / Co-editor B-N-L)
Stefan Sonderegger (Chief editor, CHSS)
Anna Picco-Schwendener (Project Manager, CCdigitallaw)
Suzanna Marazza (Legal Expert, CCdigitallaw)
Tobias Philipp (Open Access Coordinator, SNSF)
The year 2024 marks a significant reference point in the Swiss Open Access (OA) landscape. By this time, all scholarly publications funded by public money were expected to be freely accessible on the internet, in accordance with the initial national OA strategy (swissuniversities & Swiss National Science Foundation, 2017). Additionally, the “GOAL” project that set off to unlock the Green OA potential in scholarly and professional journals in Switzerland three years ago, is nearing its conclusion. On this occasion, we will meet with representatives from Swiss-based journals and their publishers, legal experts, and science policymakers to discuss the current situation of OA in Switzerland. What has been achieved so far and what challenges still lie ahead? What are our panellists optimistic about and what concerns them? Furthermore, will we reach the new national goal to shift completely to OA by 2032, as the revised national strategy stipulates (swissuniversities & Swiss National Science Foundation, 2024)? We invite researchers, publishers, decision-makers, research support staff, librarians, and all others interested in the topic to join us for a lively panel discussion at this hybrid event, followed by an aperitif.
International Open Access Week
International Open Access Week: This year's theme, "Community over Commercialisation", highlights the critical importance of ensuring equitable access to research and knowledge for all.
The event will be a panel discussion with Mr Jeroen Sondervan, Programme Leader Open Scholarly Communication, Open Science NL at the Dutch Research Council (NWO), Dr Reggie Raju, Director, Research & Learning, University of Cape Town (UCT), Prof Marena Manley, Lecturer, Food Science, Stellenbosch University (SU) and Ellen Tise, Senior Director: Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service.
Panel Discussion Stellenbosch University
Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service invites you to join us in celebrating International Open Access Week 2024. This year's theme, "Community over Commercialisation," highlights the critical importance of ensuring equitable access to research and knowledge for all. The theme emphasises the role that academic institutions and scholars play in advancing open access and promoting collaboration over commercial interest. At Stellenbosch University, we encourage the academic and research communities to prioritise open access initiatives that foster inclusivity, transparency, and innovation in scholarly subscription-based journals and ensure that research is accessible to everyone, regardless of location or financial resources.
Whether you are new to the concept of open access or a seasoned advocate, this event offers something for everyone. Join us as we explore the latest developments, exchange ideas, and contribute to shaping a more open and equitable future for global scholarship.
Open Access Week 2024: “Handing you the keys to open access”
In recognition of International Open Access Week, TMU Libraries is hosting a talk by Dr. Monica Granados: “Handing you the keys to open access”.
Dr. Monica Granados has a PhD in ecology from McGill University. While working on her PhD, Monica discovered incentives in academia promote practices that make knowledge less accessible and has since devoted her career to working in the open science space in pursuit of making knowledge more equitable and accessible. She has worked on open knowledge initiatives with Mozilla, the Government of Canada and is a co-founder of PREreview. Monica is now Director of Open Science at Creative Commons working on promoting open access of scientific research.
We encourage faculty and graduate students to attend this event to learn more about how open access can help academics find a wider audience for their research.
NU Community Voices - Open Access Success Stories (Open Access Impact on Research & Essential Insights on Academic Publishing)
Join us for an engaging workshop where NU faculty and researchers will share their experiences and insights. This interactive session will highlight a variety of success stories and participants will gain valuable insights into the broader landscape of research dissemination and the role it plays in fostering community engagement and social change. Our speakers will share their stories and insights about their research and academic publishing.
Following the presentations, enjoy a coffee break where you can connect with the speakers and fellow attendees. This is a fantastic chance to engage in meaningful conversations, ask questions, and network with colleagues who share a passion for open access and innovative research dissemination.
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn, share, and enjoy meaningful conversations!
We look forward to seeing you there!
Presenter: Dr.Giorgia Troiani, Postdoctoral Scholar, SSH ; Dr.Syed Manan, Professor at GSE
Les rencontres science ouverte Wikimédia France
À l'occasion de la semaine de la science ouverte, Wikimédia France organise une journée rencontre autour des projets science ouverte et enseignement supérieur au sein de l'association.
Au programme, deux sessions découvertes de l'utilisation des projets Wikimédia dans le cadre de la science ouverte.
Chacune de ces sessions se déroule en deux temps :
Une présentation des actions soutenues par l'association dans le cadre de la science ouverte ainsi que de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche.
Une présentation et prise en main du MOOC Wikidata. Wikidata,étant un projet Wikimédia très souvent utilisé dans le cadre de travaux de recherche ou de valorisation de travaux de recherche.
Il vous sera également proposé tout au long de l'après-midi des moments contributions à Wikidata encadrés par des bénévoles de l'association.
Sesiune de instruire a studenților UBB în editarea paginilor Wikipedia în limba română referitoare la acces deschis și știința deschisă
Sesiune de instruire a studenților UBB în editarea paginilor Wikipedia în limba română referitoare la acces deschis și știință deschisă .
Grupul de editori voluntari Wikimedians of Romania and Moldova și Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca prin Oficiul pentru Știință Deschisă și Facultatea de Istorie și Filosofie organizează împreună o sesiune de instruire a studenților, în format online, miercuri, 23 octombrie, orele 14.00-16.00, urmată de o sesiune de feedback intermediar, vineri 25 octombrie, orele 12.00-13.00. Instruirea va avea loc hibrid: on line și on site. Feedback-ul va avea loc on site. Evenimentul face parte din seria de activități organizate în cadrul campaniei Wikipedia „Săptămâna accesului deschis 2024” care are drept scop completarea articolelor pe această temă și a suitei de activități „Săptămâna accesului deschis la Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca (2024)”.
Mai multe detalii despre campanie și despre cum contribuiți puteți afla aici:
Mai multe detalii despre „Săptămâna accesului deschis Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca (2024)” puteți afla aici:
Dr. Claudia Șerbănuță (Wikimedians of Romania and Moldova);
Lector Dr. Vlad Popovici (Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca)
Training session for BBU students in editing Romanian Wikipedia pages on open access and open science
Wikimedians of Romania and Moldova group of volunteer editors and Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca - Office for Open Science and the Faculty of of History and Philosophy - are jointly organizing an online student training session on Wednesday 23 October, 14.00-16.00, followed by an intermediate feedback session on Friday 25 October, 12.00-13.00. The training will take place hybrid: online and on-site. Feedback will take place on site.
The event is part of the series of activities organized through the Wikipedia campaign "Open Access Week 2024" which aims to complement the articles on this topic, and through the suite of activities "Open Access Week at the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca (2024)".
More details about the campaign and how to contribute can be found here:
More details about the "Open Access Week at Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca (2024)" can be found here:
Dr. Claudia Șerbănuță
Lector Dr. Vlad Popovici
Open Access Week 2024: FAIR Data Management for Computational Materials Science using NOMAD
NOMAD is a free, public platform designed to help research institutes share data and improve research data management (RDM).
Join us for a lunch and learn session to explore NOMAD features like easy uploading, sharing, and automatic data extraction and normalization. Also, the speakers will introduce a hands-on session working with NOMAD.
Coventry Open Press Conversations: 'Everything you ever wanted to know about OA publishing, but were afraid to ask (in 90 minutes)'
Does Open Access have the same scholarly standards as traditional academic publishing? Will I always have to pay to publish? Is OA really fair and equitable? Will my work 'count' if I publish OA?
John Atkinson, Coventry Open Press manager, and invited guests, will be busting some myths around Open Access publishing. Whether you are a researcher interested in exploring alternative routes to publication, a teacher looking for an outlet for your passion project, or a staff member supporting research who wants a better understanding of the publishing world, come along to hear some real-world experiences of the OA landscape from authors and publishers.
Andrew Lockett - Manager of the University of Westminster Press (2015-2021), one of the first of the 'new wave' of UK Open Access institutional presses.
Dr Catalina Neculai - Assistant Professor at the Centre for Academic Writing, Coventry University; and member of the Coventry Open Press Editorial Advisory Committee.
Dr Judith Fathallah - Research Fellow at the Centre for Postdigital Cultures, Coventry University; Senior Research Associate at Lancaster University; member of the COPIM Project; and Open Access-published author.
Publisher Talk: Wiley about Open Access and its Community Impact
We are excited to invite the NU community to an informative workshop led by Wiley representative Aiman Ashimkhan. This session will cover the concept of open access and its numerous benefits for our community. Aiman will explain how transformative agreements operate and discuss the positive societal shifts that open access publishing can facilitate. Additionally, participants will learn about the various opportunities available for publishing with Wiley in an open access format.
This workshop represents a valuable opportunity for faculty, researchers, and students to gain insights into the evolving landscape of academic publishing. Open access is not just a trend; it’s a transformative approach that enhances the visibility and accessibility of research, ensuring that knowledge is shared widely and equitably.
Join us for this engaging session to explore how embracing open access can lead to greater collaboration, innovation, and impact within our academic community and beyond.
We look forward to seeing you there and celebrate The International Open Access Week together!
Presenter: Aiman Ashimkhan, Wiley
Open publishing programmes at Gdańsk University of Technology - webinar
A webinar will be held on the topic of publishing in the Open Access model and the possibility of funding the associated fees, within the framework of agreements between the Gdańsk University of Technology and individual publishers.
Participation in the webinar is free of charge and no prior registration is required.
The webinar will be hosted by the staff of the Open Science Competence Centre.
The UNISA Library and Information Services in collaboration with the University of Pretoria Department of Library Services, is delighted to invite you to the Open Access event
This year’s theme, “Community over Commercialization,” continues the vital conversation from last year, advocating for open scholarship practices that benefit the public and academic communities over commercial interests.
This event will explore the impact of commercialization on knowledge production and the importance of preserving academic freedom and equity.
El COLSON en Acceso Abierto 2024
El Colson Open Access 2024: International Open Access Week
From October 21 to 25, we will gather once again to celebrate the International Open Access Week, this year under the theme "Community Over Commercialization." For the second time, this theme invites us to reflect on how the commercialization of knowledge prioritizes economic profits over equity and academic autonomy. ¡Now is the time to explore actions to reverse this trend!
At the Library of El Colegio de Sonora (#BiblioColsonora), we are excited to present the program for the third Open Access event at our institution. Throughout these days, we will feature lectures, panel discussions, talks, and film conversations, providing an opportunity to participate and reflect on the challenges and opportunities the academic community faces in this context.
We invite you to save the dates and join us, either in person or online, for this global conversation in defense of open access to knowledge. Don’t miss it!
🔗 More information:
#OpenAccess #OpenAccessWeek #OpenScience #CommunityOverCommercialization #BiblioColsonora #OAW24 #OAweek #OpenAccess #ElColsonenAccesoAbierto #BibliotecaGerardoCornejoMurrieta
Enhancing Research Data Management with New DMP Tool Features
This presentation will explore exciting new developments in research data management at CU Boulder. As part of a cutting-edge pilot program, our institution has been selected to test and provide feedback on new features of the DMP Tool. In line with the themes of Open Access Week, the DMP Tool is a free, open-source, and community-supported service that makes it easier to create machine-actionable data management and sharing plans (maDMSPs) that meet funder requirements for public access and follow open science best practices.
During this presentation, members of the project team will introduce:
An overview of the new DMP Tool features, including the integration of maDMSPs, and their potential impact on research workflows
Insights into how these tools can be aligned with institutional needs and priorities.
Strategies for campus-wide coordination to support effective data management across all research disciplines.
This event is a valuable opportunity for faculty, researchers, and administrative staff to gain firsthand knowledge of the tools and resources that will shape the future of research data management at our university. We encourage all members of our academic community to attend and participate in the discussion.
Open science and academia - a glance at the future.
There are many interlinked initiatives that affect the future of research and innovation landscape, most of them embedded in Open Science. How will these initiatives influence research and academia?
This seminar will provide information about the UNESCO framework for open science and how the embedded principles drive the international Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA) to align research objectives and evaluations.
The seminar will bring awareness on the ongoing dialogue in relation to open science principles in the current academic landscape and beyond.
Advancing OA: Benefits of Open Educational Resources, Navigating Databases, the NU Repository & Transformative Agreements
Join us for an engaging session on the benefits of Open Educational Resources, open access databases and the NU Repository, where we will delve into the significance of open access in research, education and the resources available to the NU community. Our online speaker Dr. Paola Corti will share valuable information on OERs and NU librarians will present how transformative agreements are currently being utilized and their impact as part of our open access initiatives.
Also, you’ll learn about the NU Repository’s role in preserving our institution’s research and hear success stories from community members who have benefited from these resources. This session is a valuable opportunity for students, faculty, and researchers to enhance their understanding of open access and its benefits for academic work.
Presenter: Ainash Yeleussizova, Lazzat Arystanova
Open and Engaged 2024: Empowering Communities to Thrive in Open Scholarship
The British Library is delighted to host its annual Open and Engaged Conference on Monday 21 October, in-person and online, as part of International Open Access Week. The Conference is supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and Research Libraries UK (RLUK).
Open and Engaged 2024: Empowering Communities to Thrive in Open Scholarship will centre leveraging the power of communities in the axis of open scholarship, open infrastructure, emerging technologies, collections as data, equity and integrity, skills development and sustainable models to elevate research of all kinds for the public good. We take a cross sectoral approach to the conference programme – unifying around shared-values for openness – by reflecting on practices within research libraries both in higher education and GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums) sectors as well as the national and public libraries.
This will be a hybrid event taking place at the British Library’s Knowledge Centre in London, St. Pancras and streamed online for those unable to attend in-person. The event will be recorded and made available afterwards via the British Library research repository.
Celebration of International Open Access Week 2024 by Dr. S. R. Lasker Library
Each year, Dr. S.R. Lasker Library, East West University celebrates this week with growing enthusiasm. We have planned the following activities to engage our community and raise awareness about the importance of open access:
Open Access Showcase: Create a physical display in our library showcasing open access resources and initiatives.
Social Media Campaign: Throughout Open Access Week, we will be running social media campaigns using hashtags like #OAWeek.
Please follow our social network tools to explore more: