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The LÄND goes Open GLAM: Potentials of open cultural data and digital participation

  • Stuttgart, BW, 70327 Germany (map)

Open Access, Open Science and participation in knowledge production are central topics around democratic access to cultural heritage. However, cultural heritage institutions often reduce Open Access to the publication of objects or archival records in their own (online) catalogue. Access through e.g. connecting cultural data with other open portals or the social aspects of barrier-free and participatory knowledge access still get too little attention.

However, the digital transformation requires above all new shared forms of knowledge culture, e.g. through the principle of co-production of knowledge content. Through the cooperation of cultural heritage institutions and citizens with different backgrounds, knowledge treasures, interests and competences, knowledge can be produced and verified in a short time in multiple perspectives.

At our hybrid networking meeting, we would like to discuss the potential of open cultural data and digital participation with invited experts, Wikimedians and interested citizens, and present some projects that pursue these approaches. We would like to show the diverse possibilities of how participation, networking and FAIR data publication can complement each other and to what extent open cultural data can be used as a tool for the promotion of the arts.

October 23

A Basic Introduction to Open Access | Part of the Danish Open Access Week 2023

October 23

Rights retention: maintain your rights to advance open science